Wednesday, April 30, 2003

JK Rowling overtakes Queen in British rich list

With 280 million pounds ($445.5 million), the author -- who wrote her first Potter novel while a single mother living on a state benefit of $111 a week -- is now Britain's 122nd richest person. Of her fortune, $239 million came from her books and the rest from film rights and Harry Potter merchandise. The fifth book in the series is due out this summer and the third film is on its way. Queen Elizabeth, with $398 million is ranked a mere 133rd on the list of her wealthy subjects. ---

A graduate of Exeter University, a teacher, and then an unemployed single parent, Rowling wrote Harry Potter when "I was very low, and I had to achieve something. Without the challenge, I would have gone stark raving mad." But Rowling has always written; her first book was called "Rabbit." "I was about six, and I haven't stopped scribbling since." ----

Turning to my hubby I said, "Jer?...It's not too late FOR YOU to start writing books no?". To that he gave me the "Me-write-books-when-I-dont-even-have-the-time-to-blog" look. Woops! End of topic. Hehehe...

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