Monday, December 31, 2007

In Good Terms...

My son Jake and niece Zia...


... but half the time these precocious kiddos are at each other's neck... One will taunt the other. The other will retaliate with a quick jab. And then all h**l breaks loose. The elders will always be on the look-out ready to parry flying toys and fists.

Ahh.... the joys of rearing kids....

Enjoy the collection of photos (of subjects who were calm and collected at that time. heh...) I luckily captured while I kept watch over them...

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Christmas in Jake's School

Christmas in Jake's School, originally uploaded by gratitude.

Okay, this has been my third post for today... Talk about playing catch up. That's precisely what I've been doing posting choice fotos on my blog before 2007 ends. And I still have loads to share... :D

As for the video below, no, they are not doing an rendition.... Here is Jake's Sleigh Ride dance... Hehehe...

After 41 Years

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After41Years, originally uploaded by gratitude.

A record-breaking feat huh?

Amid the holiday rush, my Pa & Ma celebrated their 41st anniversary with my family in Cebu last December 22...

Christmas 2007

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Christmas 2007, originally uploaded by gratitude.

Just a few of the lovely photos we took during Christmas 2007. :) As usual it was mostly around the dinner table (Hola Espana, Krua Thai, Waterfront, Postrio, Starbucks, etc.) where family members shared food and stories and enjoyed each other's company. It sure was a perfect cap to a very blessed year. Here's praying and hoping for a more meaningful and blessed 2008 for everyone!

Monday, December 17, 2007

If I can't get my 3 sons: 14 year old Matt, 11 year old Kyle, 3.5 year old Jake and 3 year old niece Zia together to dance and don costumes just for fun... at least I could see them doing the dance here...

Click here... click here.... click here...

Happy Holidays!!!

*** Thanks Macel and Ivan for the idea!


Kyle, Jake, Matt & Zia...

Saturday, December 15, 2007

Up & Down

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Matt & Kyle, originally uploaded by gratitude.

That's how my elder sons' grades have been compared to the last report card distribution...

Matthew now ranks 8th from 9th the last time. His average is 95+. And Kyle whose average is at 93+, slid from 1st honor to 2nd honor because of his Language grade of 89.

One thing in common, they both said they'd try harder for the rest of the school year. :D

Friday, December 14, 2007

Not Again?

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Slumber, originally uploaded by gratitude.

1030 AM at the office on the phone talking to Jake...

Me: Jake?
Jake: Ma!!!
Me: Err... sorry Jake... I forgot to take you to your nursery class....
Jake: Yes... I'm here lang... eating a banana...

I suppose he didn't mind? Hehehehe

Seriously, I felt baaad.... *sigh*

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Silver Medal

As promised when I first blogged about it here..., I would post the outcome of the contest that my 3.5 yo boy participated in...

Here's why he was awarded the silver medal from among more than 10 Nursery 1 finalists...

Silver Medal for Jake!

the finalists

Proud trio..., originally uploaded by gratitude.

N95 or A 2nd Laptop?

This one prevailed for P18000...

I'm a MacBook diehard but I just love this new toy to bits... Look who's loving it too...

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Jake and my new toy..., originally uploaded by gratitude.