Friday, August 31, 2007

Photo Booth

One day, while enjoying the beach albeit waiting for the tide to come, I sat in front of my laptop... With nothing much to do, I started to tinker with the different applications.

Here is what I came up with after spending a good amount of time with Photo Booth., a built-in feature of the Macbook...

Be forewarned... these are mostly special effects only... or NOT(?)...

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Paparazzi in Cebu

Ma & Pa with hamburger steak for lunch
Paparazzi didn't look too happy with the Orange Brutus hamburger steak...

Paparazzi was in town more than a week ago. And whenever he or Ma is in town, we make an effort to introduce them to new places. This trip, Papa tasted his first Mongolian meal (in Cebu at least), his first Orange Brutus hamburger steak and his first Costabella buffet lunch (in a long time).

Hope he enjoyed all of it. Hehehe...

Wednesday, August 29, 2007


I wrote in a previous post how I seem to have no time to blog even if I have the complete line-up of the "tools of the trade". Yet, when it comes to dinner invitations, I manage to extricate myself effortlessly from whatever is keeping me busy to accommodate the call of good company and good food.

Last Wednesday, my things were all packed promptly at 7:00 PM while I waited for my boys to pick me up from work. In a short time, we were at Chikaan resto where Aunt Didi was having an exclusive dinner buffet on the 2nd floor.

I had a good helping of seafood and small portions of the other food items. Geez, who cares about low carb diet anyway? Certainly not me if you present a buffet table laden with halo-halo for dessert.

Laughter, good company, good food and halo-halo... I'd take that over blogging anytime.

Aunt Didi & Marti's joint birthday dinner at Chikaan
The whole brood with Mamarazzi @ Aunt Didi's birthday dinner at Chikaan Restaurant

The Herrerra Ladies ;)
The Herrera cousins and aunt...

Electronic Slave? :D

I have a MacBook and a Blackberry Pearl courtesy of my new job (love these shinies!). I'm practically online most of the day doing administrative stuff, reading and answering emails, chatting on IRC, Google Talk and Yahoo.

I have a sleek Sony Cybershot to capture pics for my blog, a pro account with Flickr to host my images and an almost uninterrupted broadband internet service at work and at home...

Why are my posts far between then? Isn't that just ironic?


* Note to self: Keep posting as frequently as possible

Monday, August 27, 2007

My Colorful Life

Sand Toys
Happy colors...

The homefront is harmonious and peaceful. Marriage is as strong as ever. Kids are doing well this school year. Everyone is in tip-top shape. Work is great. Positive developments in financial status are in the horizon. Our new house just got blessed. We had loved ones visiting over. Trips are being contemplated...

I guess the picture above of bright colored sand toys is the best attempt I could possibly do to sum up all the updates I've been meaning to blog about in one single post. Thankfully, Somebody up there is continuously looking after us, blessing and guiding our every decision, that no unnecessary conflict/s around could turn any area of our being dull or gray.

Life is good, thankyouverymuch. I hope everyone's blessed as generously as we have been...

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

House Deliverance

Do Thou, O Lord, enter graciously into the home that belongs to Thee...
...and may all who now come into this house receive Thy blessing and protection,
and may they glorify Thy name.

We didn't just have the regular house blessing last Monday 8/20. We called on the help of Father Ralph and Ms. Cora to perform a special deliverance and to pray over our entire family. We are deeply grateful to some friends and relatives who deliberately had to forego previous plans just to share with us this special moment.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

Morph Launch

This post was antedated...

Jerry was in Manila for his regular weekly trip. I joined him for my new company's launch. Junnie was still in town (Manila). And Pa and Ma were free for the weekend...

Perfect timing for yet another chance to meet up. Business mixed with personal stuff sure did us good.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Making the Most of a Short Vacation

Junnie arrived Thursday afternoon and left Sunday afternoon. That's just barely 3 days. However short, we managed to:

1. Meet up with cousins
2. Show the boys' new campus
3. Reconnect with the nephews
4. Share meals together (@ home, @ Guiseppe, @ Grand Convention, @ Waterfront, @ Costabella)
5. Spend a day in the beach (@ Costabella)

*** Junnie also found the time to visit (for a day) our 93 year old maternal grandma.

Not bad given the short time :D

Sunday, August 5, 2007

Two Branches

Sometimes, hastily made plans turn out to be better than events planned way before. This is what exactly happened yesterday when we had lunch with Aunt Didi's family at the Grand Convention. Though there were people who were not present to make the 2 Arreza branches complete (Paparazzi, May & Family, Junjun & family), the meet-up was a success. My brother Junnie and cousin Marichu (with kids) are both based in Toronto but were coincidentally in Cebu for a vacation.

There are no plans for a next one but I'm hopeful we'd get to do this again really soon. ;)

Friday, August 3, 2007


...who is in town...

it's been 7 months since the last visit....

And look who's baa-aack....

Jake and Junnie, both March boys

After spending 2 weeks in Marinduque for his successful Gawad Kalinga activities, my brother, the boys' Tito Junnie from Toronto is here!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

A Fresh Start

Cowrie Cove @ Shangri-la Mactan
Cowrie Cove @ Mactan Shangri-la

A month short of two years with the company I work for, the owner invited me to join him in building yet another exciting IT company. It didn't take me long to come up with a decision. All considerations are favorable. Jerry stays as head of my previous company while I handle operations of the new one with both companies practically under the same ownership. Pretty exciting if you ask me.

And so today, I officially start with M.

Yay me!

Just taking a break @ Cowrie Cove
The pioneering team of M