Tuesday, April 15, 2003

This or That Tuesday


1. File taxes as early as possible, or wait until the last possible minute? File as early as possible.

2. File electronically, or mail paper forms? File manually. BIR would computerize but not in this lifetime!

3. Prepare your own taxes, or have someone do it for you? A CPA does it for us. Jerry and I file jointly.

4. Are you a saver or a spender? I used to be a happy spender but now I'm TRYING my best to be a saver.

5. Do you prefer to carry cash, or pay with plastic (credit/debit cards), or by check? I prefer to pay with plastic (to accumulate more airmiles) but I pay in full every cycle.

6. You're broke and desperately need a job, but the only places that are hiring are retail or fast food places. Which would you pick? I'd pick retail. You get paid the same amount of minimum wage at both places but retail work is a lot easier I guess...

7. Keeping track of your money: are you more meticulous or careless about it? We are still reeling from the effects of bad money decisions so I am now meticulous about it. I know my cash net worth at any given day.

8. What do you do if you find yourself with a lot of change weighing down your purse/pocket/wallet? Do you try to spend it to *get rid of it*, or do you put it in a jar or a piggy bank? I put the coins in a "coin"tainer in my office drawer.

9. Which form of fake money do you like better...Monopoly money or those chocolate coins covered with gold foil? Chocolate coins covered with gold foil. Monopolu money isn't fun to eat.

10. Thought-provoking question of the week: You find a wallet containing $5,000 in cash, as well as several credit cards and the owner's drivers' license. Your rent is due tomorrow and you're short $200. Do you take the money (some or all of it) and mail back the wallet anonymously...or do you return the wallet with all contents intact? Hmm, that is a good question but without giving much thought about it, I would probably return it with all contents intact. Believe it or not!

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