Tuesday, March 11, 2003


Jerry flew to Bangkok early today. From the time the alarm sounded at 4AM, I was already up. It's only been 6 hours, I feel it's going to be a looong day. Since I would be driving the kids to school, I chose not to let Kyle attend his graduation practice to save me the trip of having to get him again at 10am. At the breakfast table, Kyle asked: 'Ma, why am I staying home?'. 'Papa's not here e. You're staying home today so that Mama wouldn't be spending a lot of time on the road.', I replied. Halfway through breakfast, Kyle blurted: 'Ah, I know! It's hard without Papa!'

He just took the words right out of my mouth! That was exactly how I felt.

By 645am, we were on our way to school. I made sure it was really early to avoid the stress of having to weave in traffic. A few minutes later, we dropped our househelp to get stocks for our snack counter. Matt was in school by 7am and I was in church by 710. While at Mass I was running a few things in my head when I suddenly froze! My goodness! I forgot to give Matt's lunch money! I was stunned for a few minutes until I noticed that I was the only one sitting. The rest of the people in church were standing!

After the last blessing, I hurried to get our househelp at the breadshop and sped to Matt's school again. The guards were understandably strict and did not let me in. Jerry who was at the airport waiting for his flight had to call the school to get clearance from the DOSS office. I went back again and appealed to the in-charge to let me bring Matt's lunch money to the office. They relented. What a relief!

Had to rush again to open the snack counter at UC before 830. Finally got to work at 845. At my desk, in front of my computer and piles of paper, Kyle's voice began to echo in my head: 'Ah I know, it's hard without Papa!'.

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