15 Things About Matt:1. He is the eldest.
2. He is now bigger and slightly taller than his Pa.
3. His shoe size is 9.5 or 10.
4. He is into basketball and track & field.
5. He won a lot of medals for running.
6. He also won a medal once for swimming (when he was 3 years old!).
7. He is a consistent honor student.
8. He is not a fan of Math but loves Social Studies & History.
9. He loves reading books especially on ancient civilization.
10. He understands Mandarin, Fookien, and Tagalog but doesn't speak Tagalog fluently...
11. ... but is always elected best actor for school plays (even in roles with Pilipino lines).
12. His major role daily is seeing to it that his younger brother reads his lessons and does his homework.
13. He loves texting and chatting online and going out with his buddies on Saturdays.
14. He once tried driving (with his Pa) when he was younger.
15. His guilty pleasure is listening to his iPod which he bought for himself from saving his allowance.
15 things are just a few of what Matt is truly about. There are sooo much more I could write about him I could entitle this entry a thousand things about Matt. Heh. Well, I will have more to write when he turns older next year.
Happy 15th birthday Matthew Michael! *Hugs & kisses*