Saturday, August 9, 2008

Want Some?

The other night, I spotted Jake in the dining room busily doing something. I thought nothing of it at first since his nanny was next to him overseeing whatever he was busy with. And then I saw Jake cutting something with a pair of scissors.

ME: Jake? What are you cutting?

JAKE: I'm making spaghetti, Ma.

ME: Oh...

I worried a bit about 2 things: 1) He might cut himself accidentally and 2) He might be cutting real noodles and thus wasting food needlessly. So I got up from the couch to check that everything was ok. It turned out I had nothing to "fear". He was dexterously maneuvering the blunt scissors (sigh of relief) to cut through his play doh (double sigh of relief).

JAKE: Here Ma, have a taste...

Wanna try some?


  1. I believe Jake will like to tinker in the kitchen when he grows up! Chef Jacob!

  2. ah that is so sweet. he's trying to make dinner for you.

  3. Jake can be Chef jake , para maiba naman hehehee

  4. who knows he might grow up to be a michelin-starred chef :)

  5. I will go to Cebu soon to see you fry Danggit and Ngoyong for me, Jake. :-)

  6. 2 | linnor
    August 8, 2008 at 5:46 pm | edit

    HI JERRY: Jake and the kuyas’ culinary interest certainly came from your genes. :D I couldn’t even cook a meal to save my life…

    But I do love to eat… Does that compensate? :D

    7 | linnor
    August 13, 2008 at 4:44 pm | edit

    Hi Jo! It was nice to play along, pretending to be his resto customer.

    Hi Junnie! He has the makings of one, I guess. :D

    Hi Denden! That’s a nice thought!

    Hi Paparazzi!: Hahaha…. those are forbidden food for you! :D
