Wednesday, February 7, 2007


IMG_6297I've been a dial-up user for several years even long after the DSL became the big thing for internet users. When the PLDT WeRoam was introduced, I was excited to give it a try thinking that it would soon be the long-overdue upgrade to our old PLDT Vibe.

For some weeks, I got to toy with the WeRoam on a non-Mac laptop (as far as I know, it cannot be used by iBook owners due to the absence of the PCMCIA slot). The speed was disappointingly slow, in fact, only slightly faster than the dial-up... at least from where we were located.

IMG_6295Just recently we inquired about Globe's Visibility, hoping they'd have something for Mac-users. They do have for the new generation Intel-Macs but none for the older iBooks. However, when they introduced the USB Huawei modem, I knew there was hope. The absence of the PCMCIA slot is not anymore a deterrent.

With help from our SysAd, Globe's IT specialist and some updated software packages downloaded from Globe's site, I'm a happy camper now blogging at home using our new Visibility subscription.

So far, so good.

*Note: Pics above were taken at Waterfront Hotel during the recent Sinulog fiesta. It was where we hauled ourselves while waiting for the traffic to subside.


  1. I dont know if i can ever go back to dial-up. I'm using cable and it is much much better. Hope Visibility stays good for you.

    Happy blogging.

  2. HI LEAH!
    I could really feel the difference. It's almost the same speed as what I get at work (in an IT Company). :D

  3. that just means blog updates anywhere, anytime, in in Brunei right? :P, ay hindi ka pala kasama...

    i looked at the Huawei before, mahal mahal at $ 500 :O

    The Huawei E220 that I'm using comes with the P2000/mo subscription. It looks like a smaller Mac optical mouse. :D

    Yep, more blog updates coming up. I just did 2 in one day yesterday. ;)

    Nope, I didn't join Jerry in Brunei. But I will be posting nice (hopefully) pictures of the exotic sights (as seen thru Jerry's eyes/lenses) as soon as he gets back.

  5. [...] I may have prematurely raved about Globe’s Visibility . Now my Visibility connection is [...]
