Thursday, October 16, 2008

Label Reader, I'm Starting To Become

I just received an email a few minutes ago which prompted me to blog. It mentioned about "made in China" stuff and how some products, though made in China, are not labeled as such (yikes!). Part of the email mentioned about checking the barcodes in order to tell where a product was manufactured. I'm no authority on this and it would be best if somebody out there could validate if true. Still, I'm listing it here for everybody's benefit:

The 1st 3-digits of a barcode:
00 - 09 >>> USA & CANADA
30 - 37 >>> FRANCE
40 - 44 >>> GERMANY
49 - >>> JAPAN
50 - >>> UK
690 - 692 >>> China

By the way, it's not just melamine that we're supposed to be looking out for. Other food additives found in processed foods we consume everyday are equally dangerous, if taken excessively: artificial coloring, high fructose corn syrup, aspartame, MSG, sodium benzoate, sodium nitrite, and trans fat. Hmm, that was a mouthful (pun intended)! Click here to find out the truth about 7 common food additives and why these shouldn't be part of our diet at all.


  1. Hi Linnor!! So long since I've been here. I go through bloglines now and for some reason I can't get your blog added. :(

    But I share your alarm on all this food scares. I wish I had the time, skill and inclination to start my very own backyard garden. It's really scary nowadays.

  2. Hello .. come and join the meme TOY HUNT mag eenjoy ka dito.. readthe details here

  3. 2 | linnor
    October 16, 2008 at 10:04 am | edit

    Hi Tin!

    Oh, sorry about that. That happens to some of my feeds on Bloglines as well. :(

    Re artificial food additivies, it’s time to go organic now. ;)

    4 | linnor
    October 16, 2008 at 2:00 pm | edit

    Hi JoyD! Thanks for inviting me! Will go right there to check it out. :)
