Wednesday, May 30, 2007

1st time Badminton Players

Questions for today:
1. Do you play badminton or any other sport?
2. What sport or activity would you let your kids learn?

Share now and hit the comments box. :)


  1. This is going to be a Monday habit! To sweat it out in the badminton court with the bugoys and some friends from work.

  2. HI JERRY!
    Let's do it more often with the bugoys before their school starts :) That should keep them away longer from the tv, the PS2 and the computer. Hehehe...

  3. made my comments in Flickr, lest akismet edits out comments from here :(

  4. for fun- tennis, volleyball, swimming and sometimes bball... but not a routine..just when i feel like it..which is kinda never.. hahaha

  5. I am now doing yoga. Never much of a sports-minded person. And not too athletic either :(. I like working out though.

    Tin is doing her best to change all the commenting system of the marikit community to captcha. Susunod na siguro ako. :)

    Uy, I used to play volleyball too back in high school and college. Bagay kasi yung height ko. But since it's a team sport, I don't get to play it now.

    I've never tried yoga. I'm kinda fascinated by it though like I'm fascinated by pilates and belly dancing. I should start thinking about working out... I'm such a couch potato.

  7. i think it's a good idea to expose children to sports early. nakakapag-bonding pa kayo :)

    unfortunately though, im not into sports. i like to watch though :)

    my son wants to learn tennis or swimming. next summer siguro :)

  8. yes, i play badminton. most often, my 10-year old boy and i play in the living room. yes, in the living room, that is, if it is hot outside. sometimes, we go to the courts, with the other kids.

    sports? my kids are not really sports minded, though one of my boys does football. they are mostly in theater arts, gymnastics, musical instruments and singing.

    Korekkk about sports and bonding!

    Tennis and swimming are good for your son. Puedeng pagsabayin if he chooses both. :)

    Hehehe. di puede sa living room namin eh super liit... It's nice to know your kids like a combination of sports and the performing arts pala.

  10. I don't play badminton but my husband does. He loves the game. I'm not really the sporty type.

    My 3-yr old son loves playing soccer games with his dad. Maybe next summer he is old enough to join soccer summer programs.

  11. HI RACH!
    Just looking at my boys, I think badminton is really fun. I'm not sporty too (at my age now hehehe) but I might just give badminton a try.

    Your 3yo son plays soccer? That's amazing! He must be really active!

  12. Err, i have no sports at the moment! LO I used to play volleyball. Now I'm trying to get fit and lose some pounds by regularly working out.
    My kids love swimming, so I'd let them learn that.

    Same here... no sport at the moment... not even a work out regimen. Haay. If only I had the will to get fit... My only workout is pounding my keyboard at work or finger-surfing the tv channels...

  14. I had problem submitting my comment last night something about keying a key code. I'll try again this morning and see if it goes through. Badminton is a fun sport and my son, Kevin, got the bug for it. He even knows of who's who in the badminton world. Mark, Kevin and I play it among other sports like racket ball, tennis, table tennis, bowling and, of course, golf. Except for golf, I don't get a chance in beating the guys. I can also out-jog and out-swim both of them. hehehe.

  15. HI BEBOT!
    Your family is so athletic! And your son Kevin seems passionate about badminton. That's really good to hear. In every sport comes strict discipline and I admire people who are into any form of sport. :)

    My host and I were trying a new spam filter yesterday. Sorry for the commenting problem you encountered a while back. It's fixed now.

  16. i used to play badminton in pinas (there are no good badminton courts here kasi, i guess the americans haven't been bitten by the badminton bug yet) :) but i was also a varsity fencer when i was in college, my gosh super toned ako nun hehehe.

    i'd like ninna to take up swimming or gymnastics, pero hubby dreams of turning ninna into the next maria sharpova. good luck na lang, i guess, hehe.

  17. Nice to know that this early you are allowing the Bugoys to engage in sport they like like best--basketball. badminton and billiard.

    Maybe you know very well that "all works/studies and no play makes Jack a dull boy." Yes?

    Ganun ba? No badminton bug yet in the US? Sayang.

    Hey fencing is not a common sport. Though there may be others, I only know of Ateneo when it comes to schools that have fencing as their sport.

    Ninna could try swimming, gymnastics and tennis one at a time and see where she is more inclined. :)

    Having an all-boys brood, it can't be helped that sports take high priority after academics. I'm glad they are open to trying something new and not confining themselves to basketball.
