Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Not Quite Ready For Vacation?

As I was driving Matt and Kyle to school last Thursday (3/15), I was blabbing about them making sure they remember what they have studied the night before. It was their last quarter exams after all and school will be over. Yay vacation! This too was their last ditch attempt to maintain or pull up their grades higher.

I was doing all the talking, as always... as I wove in traffic. When we stopped at an intersection, I reached for my bag to give them their allowance, mentally computing that they should only be entitled to just half of it since they would be having their lunch at home. Yes, that's the "kuripot" side of me taking over. Anyway...

They just sat there, silent. Sleepy probably for staying way past their bedtime to study, okay... cram, for their tests.

And then Matt softly said, "It's so sad... Some of my friends might not be able to stay in the honors class for next year..."

Aw, here I was being myopic and talking about school grades when my boy wasn't too worried about it.... Beyond the high grades, Matt, who's now a teen, is also concerned about losing some of his good friends from way back...

Here's a video posted by their adviser on his site. I hope Bro (how Matt and his classmates call their teacher) doesn't mind me linking to it.... I could see how attached they've all become... and how reluctant they must be to let the good times end...

Click this link for the short video of HS 1 - Bellarmine

class act
HS-1 Bellarmine's class picture taken by and given to me by their Chinese teacher.


  1. That's why I always think (and a lot of people do also) that high school was one of the best period of one's life!

  2. i can understand Matt's sentiment. my bestfriend and i cried for days when we found out that we won't be in the same class for senior year. it may seem so shallow but back then it was such a big deal.

    the good thing about that was we appreciated each other more and made more great friends along the way. :)

  3. HI JERRY!
    I agree but luckily for me, the same friends in high school attended the same university I went to, so university days were memorable as well. Hehehe.

    I could also relate to how Matt feels. He's been with the same group of friends since Grade 4 and some even earlier than that. In a lot of ways, they saw each other grow.

    I assured him that this only means there are more new friends to make and keep. ;)

  4. the only thing constant in life is change

    its hard to not be resistant to it, but its the way of life. early on, Matthew will learn this valuable lesson. besides, there are weekends and after school to see each other.

  5. hi,

    i've been reading jeff's blog ever since it got linked to my sister-in-law dindin's blog. small world he's matt's teacher too.

    They just had their 1st (and hopefully not the last) get-together yesterday and the class spent it in the school pool premises with Bro, their adviser, and some high school teachers.

    I'm tuning in on Matt and his emotions these days. We want to be there for him when he is experiencing these emotional highs and lows.

  7. HI LOVE!
    I came across Bro's blog when Matt showed it to me. Hehe... small world indeed! :D

  8. Highschool is definitely my most memorable education experience. Aside from all the activities, the friendships are the one I treasure the most. I still communicate with my best friends from then.
    I hope Matt will keep in touch with his friends.

  9. HI LEAH!
    Same here. As for Matt and his friends, they constantly keep in touch using their cellphones and YMs. I'm glad their generation now has the means to connect with each other faster.

    During my time, we even resorted to snail mail to keep in touch. The phone was such a luxury back then. Hehehe.

  10. "The phone was such a luxury back then. Hehehe."

    - Anoooo? If it was luxury then, you should have been a millionaire to have an extension phone right beside your bed. But of course that was, as most fathers of High School Kids, cut off, eventually...and then restored, and cut off, and sneakily restored...hahahah

  11. HI JUNNIE!
    Hahaha! Imagine that!

    It was not until my 2nd year in high school when we had our 1st landline connected, if I remember right. So that makes me 14-15 yrs old (?). Before that, I had to use Rita as courier to get my handwritten notes to Geraldine in Talon. And she had to wait for the reply din. Hehehe.

    The 3rd (colorum) extension didn't come until 4th year. We actually had a regular extension in Pa's room right? :p I do recall having to connect those wires myself to have the extension in my room. Galing no?

  12. I thought you are not yet ready for vacation but why are you and the kiddos coming to Manila and spending an overnight stay at La Luz, San Juan, Batangas along with the entire staff of your Company? And for us to meet you at the airport tomorrow morning?

    See you tomorrow and the three Bugoys! God bless your trip!

    Di ba nga, all work and no play make us dull? Consider this trip our short respite from work. Then back to the salt mines again come Tuesday, hopefully refreshed and recharged. :D
