Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Making the Most


Jerry spends 3 weekdays in Manila. Matt & Kyle spend 8-10 hrs every weekday in school. What do I do with my time on weekdays other than spend 8-10 hrs at work? I go home for lunch and ham it up with Jake and the cam.


  1. wow, wish i could do the same :) since i had that threatened abortion, i stopped going home for lunch to minimize going up and down the stairs at home and in the office.

  2. HI MIMI!
    Di bale, when you move to your new place, there won't be any stairs. Or is there? :D

  3. I'm sure Jake is happy to spend his lunch time with you too.

  4. HI JO!
    He has gotten used to seeing me around. Sometimes he'll say, "Ma, no go" before I could step out of the door.

    In this pic though, he looks more sleepy & hungry than happy. :P

  5. naku, meron pa rin dahil lahat ng rooms nasa taas.

  6. lunch breaks are best spent with loveones di ba?

    Jake's welcome treat is seeing you in the middle of the day, was this something you were wishing for prior to joining the company, a change of lifestyle indeed!

  7. HI MIMI!
    Nyikes! Pero at least, you don't have to climb the stairs just to get to your front door. :D When are you moving, cuz? Kami sa Jan '07 na siguro. ;)

    This is the best arrangement so far. Di bale if Jerry has to be in Manila 3 weekdays each week. He has been in worse setups. We do manage pretty well. I'm just counting the mileage for free trips to Manila with the boys during their break. Hehehe.
