Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Long Sundays

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It's been a while that we have been spending our Sundays differently. We used to visit my MIL on Sundays after hearing the 11am Mass. We'd linger on for a chat with other ILs way until mid-afternoon. It was a pretty predictable schedule for everyone and weekends without the Sunday get-together felt rather incomplete.

However, since August, we've modified the routine a bit and rearranged our weekend schedules. Now we visit my MIL on Saturdays, leaving the whole day of Sunday all for spending time with Jerry and the boys.

We have plenty of time to do all or any of the following: review Matt & Kyle for the past week's lectures and prepare for the coming week's tests or projects, de-clutter our own rooms and clean up our mess, finish up on some D-I-Y (do-it-yourself) stuff around the house, go for a drive to see new places or just go for a drive, watch a movie, eat out, or be with each other while everybody does his/her own thing.

Matt and Kyle actually appreciate this new routine better. They feel like they've gained an extra day to spend time on their interests. Happily, I feel the same way too.


  1. Great compromise on the schedule! Family time is my favorite time too.

  2. lucky boys they have parents like you...

    anyway, just to plug our mutual fund. If you have time and might be interested, just check our website, www.fami.com.ph


    Absolutely! Immediate family time is my favorite time too. Extended family time is next. Hehehe...

    Thanks! Will check it out ;)

  4. Sunday is family day nga naman!

    And I love that picture of Jake sharing a drink! Cute naman!

  5. HI TONI!
    Jake knows how to choose his drink. He just points to a picture and says: "This one". Hahaha!
