Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Is This For Real?

LAX Landmark This couldn't be. We've just been told a few days back that Jerry's event for San Francisco is not pushing through. And on account of that, the family has embarked on a week-long business-slash-pleasure trip to Manila instead.

It was during one of those days in Manila that Jerry was handed his US plane fare. That single event was potent enough to spin our world (almost) out of control! He was due to leave in 2 weeks!!! Gasp!

Early on, we have agreed that if and when he leaves for the US, I'd go with him no matter what (naks!). This non-negotiable aspect of the trip turbo-charged our succeeding days. And on auto-pilot, we arranged for: the kids' guardian/s, our pending work, our bills and credit card payments, etcetera... etcetera. Aw this was evidently a crazy time for all of us!

Enroute to the airport and on the plane, I was all giddy and excited that this was indeed happening. In my mind, I was still in disbelief... until I saw Cindy ready with a big hug to welcome me and Jerry, and Junnie with his familiar toothy grin. Wow, I've finally arrived. Woohoo!

Finding ourselves in LA, my very first time to step on US soil, on May 10, was indeed surreal...

LA Food Show


  1. The "bestest" thing about travelling is when you have the "bestest" travel companion! Cheers to our 2nd long haul flight together! :)

  2. that's where you've been all this time. great pictures linnor!

  3. It's so much fun to travel. Amen to Jerry's comment!

  4. HI JERRY!
    Yey! More to come!

    HI JOJO!
    Hehehe... On hiatus ba? Thanks!

    I wish we could do it as often as possible... It's such a great experience seeing all these places we only read about or see on tv.
