Sunday, September 7, 2003

Old wives' tales say that pregnant women could eat anything they fancy without the risk of having indigestion. I could attest that there is no truth to this at all.

I just had one of the worst tummy aches last night after partaking of a buffet dinner at Laguna Garden. Perhaps I had too much of the beef caldereta...


We attended the 3rd birthday party of my cousin's youngest son (my kids' 2nd degree cousin), Hans yesterday. It was a big gathering of relatives and friends. While doing the rounds of greeting my relatives, they all congratulated me for being in that interesting phase.

Good news travels fast indeed.


Though my tummy was threatening to "go" any minute, Jerry, the kids and I still took the time to drop by our friends' place where there was yet another gathering. Wine was overflowing and cheese was a-plenty. I refrained from taking any and contented myself with the exchange of stories by the wives whose kids were there too.

We were talking about child-rearing and the potential hazards of teenage life these days. Years before we would see each other only during kiddie parties. Now, we were talking about being parents to kids on the brink of being teens.

Ah, time really flies.

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