It was a busy weekend for the family. I had some work to finish before my Tuesday meeting. Jerry had some preparations for the new business (Gulf oil). We had to finalize our packing. And we all had to finish up with shopping for school supplies. The latter we tried doing Friday night.
Scouring National Bookstore, I was aghast to find that notebooks nowadays cost P20 each! Ack! Some even more! Mentally computing how much notebooks alone could cost us, I arrived at P600 for the answer. Pretty stiff, if you asked me. Even the tacky ones with showbiz personalities on the covers was almost P10 a piece.
Well, not to be overcome by impulse, we just knew that if we looked some more we would find something that would give us value for our money. True enough we found ones that cost P12 each. These had unknown cartoon characters on the cover but what clinched the purchase was the free plastic cover that these notebooks were already wrapped with. A valuable feature that saved us from all the plastic measuring, cutting, folding and taping... All Jerry had to do was to put bond paper to hide the distracting cartoon prints and voila!
Friday, the notebooks. Sunday afternoon, shoes. We were again faced with choices...
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