June 18 - After 6 days of hiking, riding the trains from city to city in Italy, sightseeing, panini-eating, we were back in Switzerland to meet with the newest European tourist, the youngest of the Arreza siblings. What a grand reunion of sorts!
The two extra days in Switzerland proved to be therapeutic for us and our lower limbs that somehow got a little worn because of all the walking in Italy. Here, we were driven by Junnie to new sights: Signal d Bougy and Lucerne.
Jerry had the chance to drive on the way to Lucerne via the scenic route. He drove into tunnels, through mountains and valleys. The sights were breathtaking but I couldn't help but feel scared when we were going up and driving on the mountainside. It felt like a few inches of miscalculation and the car would just fall over the cliff! I was branded as "Mama Junior" for feeling that way and for clinging to the car's handrail really hard that my knuckles turned white...
According to internet travel guides, any tour of Luzern must begin with the fourteenth-century covered Kapellbrücke, the oldest road bridge in Europe, angled around the octagonal mid-river Wasserturm... So most of our Lucerne shots were within this ancient landmark...
Most recent comments... (In posting order)
You always look so wonderfully happy! I look forward to your foto blog everyday.......you make my husband and I feel as though we are on vacation with you.
Tue 1-Jul-2003 07:11
Posted by:unnamed
Oh what a nice thing to say... Thank you for taking the time to view our fotopage Tue 1-Jul-2003 07:43
Posted by:Linnor
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