Two weeks ago, I had the chance to avail of AGENCY 1's services when I went to submit some business docs for certification/ registration. Their building was relatively new. There weren't much people applying for registration. The officer-in-charge of information was quite accommodating as she tried to answer all of our queries. When we had problems with the location of the bank where capital was placed, Atty. C. readily assisted us. That was a Monday when I had the papers completed and the assessment paid. I was told to call again on Thursday of the same week.
Come Thursday, when I went to follow-up with the laywer-in-charge, Atty. H., I was advised to check with her Tuesday of the next week. I was starting to wonder what they have been doing since Monday... Hmm... Anyway, I thanked her and left.
Tuesday came and I went up to Atty. H's office again and found out that the docs will be transmitted to AGENCY 2 yet. Thinking that this will eat up at least 2 days in the snail mail, we volunteered to handcarry the articles and by-laws ourselves to save on time. The assistant was more than happy to give us the docs.
The same day we got the papers from AGENCY 1, we forwarded the same to AGENCY 2. The lady gave us their contact number and advised us to call back 3 days later. Today is the second day but we opted to call just in case they already have the papers ready. We weren't surprised to find out that the docs were still for review. The lady told us that when the papers are ready, they will transmit the same back to AGENCY 1 via mail. HUH? The papers will be transmitted via SNAIL MAIL? Nooo!
Again, we volunteered to handcarry the docs ourselves to save on time. The lady acceeded, however, we still had to wait till they have issued their endorsement. Hopefully, that will be tomorrow. Two weeks after we have paid the assessment. Does processing really have to take this long?
Why am I writing this? I'm writing this out of exasperation, my way of letting off steam. I just couldn't understand why these government agencies would take so much time reviewing these docs. Ok, granting that they had numerous applications to process, I see them very relaxed and moving ever so slowly like there was no rush to finish their backlogs. They absolutely didn't look like they were neck-deep with work!
My 2-year driver's license is expiring in a few days, I thought I should do it this morning and even told Jerry to have his processed as well. We requested one of brother-in-law's carshop employees to drive us to LTO as, ironically, there wasn't any space to park there. We had a contact person from inside who led us to a lady fixer. The lady fixer took our documents and old licenses and walked us to the drug-test facility where we were promptly told to give some urine sample.
While awaiting the drug-test result, we were led again to a small makeshift booth for eye check-up and medical exam. No check-up and exam were done but we were given a sheet of paper each that indicates that we passed the test. A few minutes later, the drug-test results were already handed to us.
Going back to the LTO office where a multitude of male drivers were waiting for the release of their new licenses, I couldn't help but think why there weren't much women lining up. Hmmm... After a total of 2 hours and renewal fee of P1200, we were handed our new licenses. The fixers will be sent their "facilitation fee" later on as Jerry said its not a wise move to give money while they are still officially conducting office. Okay...
In conclusion, if you go through the proper channels in government agencies, your papers end up being shoved to the bottom of the pile of applications. But if you try to cut corners and willingly pay your way to a speedy process, you lessen the hassle and get your money's worth as well.
Sad, but true.
An independent, credible regulator adhering to international standards, to be a prime mover of Philippine economic development by ensuring a fair, efficient, and transparent capital market.
The government agency tasked to manage and supervise technical education and skills development in the Philippines.
The LTO envisions a well-developed transportation system that will play a vital role in improving the quality of life of the Filipino people, particularly in providing a more viable means of land transport and a secured travel for transport users and commuters._____
My previous license was effective for 2 years. Now, the new one is for 3 years.
YEY, I don't have to go through the process of giving urine sample, lining up and feeling ogled at by men for being the only female there...
BOO, I have to endure having that spaced-out look in my picture until 2008! (Must license pictures be always that baaadddd?)