Jake and his reflection...
7 Things That Scare Me
Losing a loved one. Accidents. Drug-crazed person/s. High interest rates. Creepy-crawlies. Seeing blood. Speaking in public.
7 Things I Like Most
My family (immediate and extended). Blogging. Taking Pictures. Shopping. Travelling. Crafts. Christmas!
7 Random Facts About Me
I wear glasses. I wear a size 9 footwear. I'm a Scorpio. I'm the eldest of 3 siblings. I graduated Grade School, High School and College from DLS-Zobel and DLSU. I'm a CPA. I got married at age 24.
7 Important Things In Our Bedroom
A/C. 3 pillows each for Jerry and me. Watch/clock. Framed wedding picture. Bible/prayerbooks. Cellphone/charger. Closet.
7 Things I Plan To Do Before I Die
See the world with loved ones. Eliminate debts. Secure the kids' future. Sponsor a scholarship for at least 1 person (not necessarily a relative). Learn to cook/bake. Renew marriage vows. Confess.
7 Things I Can Do
Drive (like crazy). Crochet/Cross-stitch/Sew. Sing (a bit). Dance. Surf for hours. Understand the Cebuano dialect even if I'm not a native of the place. Eat okra and ampalaya.
7 Things I Can't Do
Cook. Bake. Walk on tightrope. Swim (hehe!). Dance on the ledge. Do a cart wheel. Bungee jump.
7 Things That Attract Me To The Opposit Sex
Eyes. Smile. Bod. Wit. Sense of humor. Profession/Family background. Car. (My dear hubs passed all the criteria plus MORE of course. *wink* Hahaha!)
7 Things I Say The Most
Teka. Ok. Ngi. Yuck. Isa! Uy. Luv' u.
7 Celebrity Crushes (local / foreign)
Brad Pitt. Ashton Kutcher. Richard Gere. Dennis Quaid. Keannu Reeves. Colin Farell. Troy Montero.
7 People You Want To See Take The Quiz
YOU are invited to answer all or some questions in the comments page... Come on now, don't be shy... Just pick 1 or 2 questions and post your answers to my comments page so that I'd know a little more about you.
Have a good week!