I occupy about 12 sqm of space in my 2f office. It's sparsely furnished. Tall gray fabric partitions separate me from my General Accounting group and from Sales. Save for the executive table, movable pedestal, a small side table, a black high-back leather chair and 2 guest chairs, it's devoid of anything else. No bulky lateral cabinets, no stacks of folders, no rows of document boxes, nada.
As soon as papers for signature get to my office, they're out again fast. So seldom would you see my desk with piles of paperwork. No frustrating messy buildup. Most of the time, the only things you’d see on my desk are the laptop, a telephone, a calculator, a pen and occasionally, the newspaper (which I read 1st thing in the morning or during lunch break).
I'm finding it a welcome change from my previous job where I seldom see my desk clear of papers and vouchers and files. I think I kind of like it now. Though the pieces of furniture are not spanking new, the whole cube looks clean and clutter-free. Very zen, if there's ever such a thing for office cubicles.
Then, one day, a colleague from Sales craning her neck from the partition, asked me, "Don't you get bored there? You want me to put a framed picture of flowers on your back wall?". "Aw, that's sweet, but no, thank you." I quipped.
Framed picture of flowers on the back wall of my cube? Haha, she must be kidding me, right?
I like the sound of your office, no clutter. I like zen. I like being minimalistic. You just have what you need. You have your computer to entertain you, you can't be bored haha. .
ReplyDeleteI was beginning to wonder if I was sending them the wrong signal of looking bored-stiff. I hope not. You're right, the computer is just what I need to get through the day officially and unofficially. Heehee.
Go ahead and put up a picture, or something that is eyecatching or even zen (to go with the look). Pieces of artwork are always a nice addition. Even your kids fingerpaintings would do. Just a suggestion. =)
ReplyDeletehi linnor, its good that you dont have too much workload.
ReplyDeletehmmm... reading your post made me missed the corporate world and the paycheck... It's been 4 years already and in 2 more years my youngest would be in school the whole day. I would be able to work full time by then, hopefully it won't be hard to get back in the work force by then.
ReplyDeleteNow that you've mentioned it... I think it's worth considering ha. :) Hmmm...
At the back of my head is the thought that there might be something else I need to be doing. *Paranoia kicking in*. But after being in this new job for a month, I'm beginning to think, hey, even if this job is wider in scope, it's not so back-breaking after all. Thank God!
Going back to work has its ups and downs. It's just a matter of balancing things around. And this is what I'm constantly working on. :)
your office surely sounds good! dream ko ang long back leather chair!!!
ReplyDeleteHI JOJO!
ReplyDeleteIts a good place to park my big b**t. Hehehe.
Wow! I wish I had your neatness. My office desk is cluttered with so many things. So is my mind cluttered? I guess so. LOL!
ReplyDeletehi linnor!
ReplyDeleteako rin i can't work with too much clutter on my desk. sakit sa ulo. :( i also have this habit of arranging my desk before i call it a day.
i guess, one common denominator of the marikit sisters, OC-tendencies! hehe
ReplyDeleteI inherited the cube from the former Manager (who got promoted and whom I'm replacing) as is and I haven't added any personal dust-catchers just yet. I guess I like it better this way except for a small artwork that Pinayhekmi suggested or a pot of Chinese bamboo that I might be putting. :)
My desk is empty so that's probably the signal I'm sending - idle mind.... Nyahahaha!
It's truly a welcome note that your work is not as hectic as the last one. It gives you the time and the energy to appreciate the more meaningful things in life which is usually outside of our cubicles! I'm sure you agree with me on this coz I learned this from you! :)
ReplyDeletewait 'til you've been there 5 years... ha ha. that's one thing i've noticed here in the states, there are a lot of people, especially ladies, who decorate their offices wall-to-wall, ceiling to floor. there's even this one lady who has about 20 tweety birds in her cube, and she's in her 50's. to each his own, i guess.
ReplyDeleteI honsetly have a theory that paper gives birth to more paper when you turn your back. I am drowning in clutter even as I type this.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Matt and Kyle! Lorenzo and I just attended Lance's kindergarten graduation ceremony today. The year went by SO fast this time.
ReplyDeleteIt's just a matter of perspective. I don't abhor the long drives to and from work anymore. Instead, I look forward to having these long drives where we get to pray the rosary in the morning and exchange our stories in the afternoon. When we do, the trip seems too short naman. Heheh.
That is actually bound to happen that's why I'm trying my darndest to keep things to a minimum. In my previous job, I had pictures of my boys and various bric-a-brac getting in the way of the computer and printer cables etc. It was nightmarish just thinking of cleaning my desk. Ick!
I appreciate the fact that I have supervisors under me who are maintaining their respective files. I just have to borrow from them when the need arises. Hay salamat.
Uy congrats to Lance on his graduation day! And congrats to the proud parents as well! Time for some celebration now :D
People who believe in the "immutability in change" (nothing permanent in this world but CHANGE), should not fret or be too demanding about office amenities & decors for obvious reason--It is easier for them to pack up when they decide to leave even in short notice.
ReplyDeleteTo 'transient' managers,I know you understand the side of your Office, yes?
And are you one of them? God forbid! :) :) :)
I actually enjoy long drives. When we're together it's a good time to Pray and to talk. When I'm alone, it's a good time to think or to enjoy my kind of music played as loud as I want! That's why a good driving machine is such a great investment!
ReplyDeleteI'm keeping it as it is with just a few pieces to add. It's good to work in a clean and uncluttered environment. Lesser distraction pa. *wink*
Here's to more long drives!!! :D