I’ve been a mom three times over and yet I still have questions that remain unanswered to this day. Nothing mind-boggling really, just a few things I couldn’t help but wonder. Why is it that kids, at a very young age, get attached to their parents or nanny or a favorite toy? Is there any logical explanation to that? And why do they cry when the mom, dad or sibling is about to go out the house and leave them behind? It couldn’t be a random thing or coincidence since (in our family at least) it happens every time, could it?
At 1 year and 3 months, Jake is one such kid. Jerry and I resort to all forms of distraction just to divert him from noticing if we are about to leave the house for school/office. Most of the time, our attempts don’t work and Jake ends up bawling some more. As a momentary solution, we now let him walk us to the garage where he sees us load the elder boys’ bags in the trunk and then board the car. As he rides the elevator (going down) with us, his happiness is visibly amusing. At least until we part again for the day.

Jake with nanny looks out the balcony as we drive off.
Every week day at 7am, without fail, this is our scenario much like a rerun that you watch on television. I know it’s just a phase, yet, it pains me to see him sadly sending us off with his big round eyes. And his longing gaze rends my heart.