Friday, April 7, 2006

Best Buds

buddies2  My Papa and my Papa Rhante... They've been friends for close to 50 years!!! 

We treated them to an overnight stay at our favorite beach haunt. 

Aw this probably is my most favorite shot (though not in the best resolution) of the best buddies enjoying a hearty laugh as Papa tried to "eat" Papa Rhante's queen early on in the game. 

Another poignant shot... What could they be thinking in their prime years? Probably thanking the good Lord for bringing them together in this lifetime... 

My own boys were witnesses to this enduring friendship. I hope they learn the valuable lesson of true and unconditional friendship that Papa and Papa Rhante share. 

My family in celebration...


  1. The most amazing thing about true friendship is it knows no distance or boundaries....Papa is in Manila and Papa Rhante is in the U.S., but I bet that everytime they meet after a long separation they just pick up from where they left off! 3 cheers to being friends forever! :)

  2. that's priceless! and great shots, too!

  3. Your dad looks soooo distinguished with the white whiskers, eyebrows and hair. He reminds me of Kill Bill's Pai-Mei (don't know if the name's correct). What a great friendship to have. I never believed such a friendship could exist but I am rethinking my stance especially after having gone through my leadership program.

  4. HI JERRY!
    Yes, that's just how they do it and I think it's the secret to their lasting brotherly relationship.

    HI PAZ!
    Thanks! I consider myself blessed to have a few friends who are my best buds as well. It's one of life's precious gifts indeed.

    That's Papa Rhante with the white whiskers, eyebrows and hair. He is my Papa's "bestest" friend. He happens to be my baptismal godfather that's why I call him "Papa Rhante". ;)

    Such enduring friendship is probably hard to come by these days but I'm sure it is still very very possible.

  5. this is tooo touching!

  6. "How do you know you've found your best friend ? When you are ready to talk to them about anything, even though they know everything about you already." That is Papa and Tito Rhante, despite the distance, despite time and circumstance.



    Whether it’s for digital journaling, community building, or information sharing, blogs are here to stay, and the Internet is better for it. The Blog Improvement Project (B.I.P.) is designed to help - dare I say it - the blogosphere - get better through encouragement and constructive feedback. The rules are simple:

    1. Choose someone’s (a friend’s) weblog and copy and paste this entire message. For numbers 2-4 below, change your entries as necessary.

    2. Indicate what is good about his/her blog:
    Thoughtful writeups and beautifully captured moments that makes you feel its good to be alive. Linnor's family and their activities almost comes alive with both the images and the short write up.

    3. Give constructive feedback on how you think his/her blog could be better:
    What is it to change? I guess to be regularly updating, especially with images of Cebu and more stories about Jake's antics :)

    4. Indicate where you are in the chain by adding +1 to this number: 3

    5. Add your blog URL to the list at the end of this message

    6. If you’ve received this already, write back to whoever gave it to you so he/she could send it to someone else….even a stranger’s blog. Remember to send it to ONLY ONE BLOG.

    7. If your blog is # 10 or 100 or 1,000 or 10,000 or 100,000 or 1,000,000, or 10,000,000 and so on - in the chain (see #4 above), then drop a quick comment in the blog that started the B.I.P. - . You can drop in and make a comment anytime, too.

    8. (OPTIONAL). Do #’s 2 and 3 above for the person who sent this to you.


    BLOGS in the B.I.P.


  7. hi linnor! i like your blog! i got here from toni's blog. you take great pictures which really speak a thousand words. :) can i link my blog to yours?

  8. HI JOJO!
    Aw... that's how I feel when i look at them laugh at each other's jokes like young boys. :D

    Thanks for the wonderful and generous comments on my blog! Hehehe... Next to you and your blog, mine is very amateurish. Naks!

    Welcome to our web space! :D I'm glad my pictures give out that effect - "speak a thousand words". I'm always short of words so I let the pictures speak for themselves.

    Sure you can link me up. I'll do the same!

    Thanks for visiting and you're welcome anytime!

  10. Those are such sweet pictures. Even if I don't know them I can see they share a very special bond. Your Papas are lucky to have each other!

  11. HI TONI!
    I agree. We're lucky if we could have just one true friend in this lifetime and really blessed if more. ;)

  12. great friendship! i am also blessed with such friendship. my bestfriends (there are 12 of us in the group that started in highschool) are scattered all over the world, but we make use of the internet and whatever technology is available to close the gap of time and distance. i dont know what id do without them in my life, and everyday i thank God for blessing me with wonderful people. :D
    wonderful post linnor!

    I'm happy to know a lot of people are blessed with wonderful friendships, there are some who are not as lucky I guess. Thanks!

  14. Hi, Linnor! Fantastic! I appreciate your putting Eddy and me in your blog. I am deeply touched. Thank you for being a wonderful person yourself. I am proud to be your godfather. Sincerely, Papa Rhante

  15. Very nice recording of lasting friendship at work! Yes, your Papa Rhante and I started becoming not only best of friends but more than brothers as well, since our College days--from 1961-1965 to the present.

    Back in College, right after his return from Harvard University, we co-founded the Alpha Epsilon Honor Fraternity, a kind of brotherhood that does not entail hazing or physical contact with our neophytes under initiation. We were more interested in their academic, social & cultural excellence and the like.

    Then we passed the competitive examinations for students willing to become members of our College official publication---he as Editor in Chief and later Director of Publication and I as its Managing Editor. We were receiving honoraria of P350 and P250 monthly, respectively. And the amount was already big that we asked our parents not to send us anymore our monthly allowance.(Minimum wage at that time was only P120 per month). We went through College thru thick and thin, literally.

    Today, we are both members of another kind of brotherhood--the Knights of Columbus--he as Past Grand Knight of Council 4488 of San Bernardino City, California and me as Chancellor of Council 9636 of Our Lady of Fatima Parish. His Council helps ours in funding some of our projects that help alleviate and improve the quality of life of poor families in our parish, namely: building multi-purpose covered courts (for volleyball/badminton), building dormitory for priests, giving catechism classes, free medical & dental clinics, blood letting, feeding & feeting programs, scholarships for poor but deserving students, among others.

    If we remain 'best of buddies' until now, it is because Rhante and I stand by each other when we need help from each other. Unlike other so-called friends, as soon as a SACRIFICE is required so many of them are busy with other matters.

    But of course, all true friendship must be based on virtue and loyalty to Christ. Unless we are helping our friends in some way to live better lives, we are not TRUE
    FRIENDS! :) :) :)

    Glad you liked my tribute to you and your lasting friendship. It is one that transcends even the close relationship normally present among family members. :)


    Till your next vacation in Cebu! :D

  17. You take wonderful shots Linnor! What enhances the pictures is the story behind the smiles. Enjoy your day!

  18. HI MONINA!
    Thanks! I try my best to capture not just images but moments as well. ;)

  19. taking beautiful pictures runs in the family, eh? :) wonderful story of friendship.. i hope we'll all find our own papa rhante and paparazzis :)

  20. linnor, what beautiful beautiful photos. your captions make me feel i know what's happening in the picture! and is that place in Cebu? geesh wow, where?!

  21. HI STAR!
    Oh yes, that's my wish too! Thanks for the compliment! I try hard to be as good as Junnie but I guess I still have a looong way to go. Hehehe.

    Thank you, thank you! Yes those pics were taken in Maribago Bluewaters, Cebu. :D

  22. nice pictures. paparazzi's longlasting friendship with his friend inspires me, hope i could have my own papa rhante as well... happy easter linnor!

    I'm sure we all have that special friend... Happy Easter to you as well! :D
