...it becomes a part of your identity in a way that no other reading in your whole life does. - (from the movie You've Got Mail, 1998)
Jake seems to be awed looking at all the books at Powerbooks Alabang last July. When I was young, I remember fondly how I love(d) reading books that our Mama(razzi) used to buy from Bookmark Escolta, near her BIR office. My brother,
Junnie and I would consider it a treat if we were taken to Bookmark one summer day to browse over the Nancy Drew and Hardy Boys collections. We didn't mind riding jeepneys and the blue Love Bus to get to Escolta. All that mattered was getting to Bookmark and being in book heaven.
Don't you just love the smell of those crisp pages????In Bookmark or in any other bookstore for that matter, we would go over the shelves looking for something that would catch our reading fancy. As a kid, I veered towards the Science or Fact books and had Lady Bird Books about insects, dogs, the solar system, the human body, bees, ants, and saints. I also had a few Nancy Drew books which I found quite pricey to collect at that time (about P49.95 back in the early '80s) so I just contented myself by borrowing from the school library.
Later on, I started reading Sweet Dreams and other juvenile stuff. Then I graduated to biographies and have read about the Kennedys, the Windsors, among others. Then added design and self-help books to my preference. Junnie was more into the Guinness Books of World Records and NBA magazines. Now he is into fiction/bestsellers too. (Is that right, Jun?)
So yes, I do love reading - not just hardbound, paperback, and other printed media, but online reading materials as well (blogs, etc.) That explains why I probably have 300:300 vision and perennially wear eyeglasses.
A few days back, I was in the mall with the boys looking for PC and PS1 games. As they were busily looking, I was also checking out the music mp3s. (Oops piracy...) In fact, I helped myself with one mp3 of Cafe Del Mar collection for P100. Cheap, I thought. And that already contained about 7 or more albums.
While looking some more, I came across a collection of mp3 audio books. They had Dan Brown, Tolkien, Rowling, Tom Clancy, Anne Rice, Covey etc. One mp3 cd contained an audiobook and an e-book and cost a measly P100! That's a small fraction of the actual book cost!
I bought Harry Potter Book 6 and Bill Clinton's My Life for P100 each.
The novelty about this is that we listen to the Harry Potter story every morning on our way to school as it is being read by a man who is talented in changing his voice depending on the character. Your imagination gets stirred. You feel like you're transported to some magical place. It's actually more powerful than watching a movie, at least for me. It feels like we are kids huddled together listening to a storyteller! It has become a new activity to engage in while enroute to school. Amusing really.
And oh, take note, it's fun listening to My Life too. It is read by no less than the former US President himself!
Now to get me an iPod!...
Starting Jake young...