Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Want Lousy?
I tried calling their Cebu branch for an appointment to discuss corporate cash management service and the answering machine prompted me to dial their customer service if I didn't know the extension number to press. I decided against calling and proceeded to email for an appointment. Their site said they'd get back to me within the next 2 days. It was filed last week, up to now, no feedback.
Today, I dialled the 24-hr customer service hotline at 878-7878. Guess what? You have a better chance of winning the lotto than getting through their Customer Service line on the 1st try...
*breathe in, breathe out*
Posting at My Own Risk

Hee... Ma wouldn't dare to be photographed without her hair sprayed stiff. She could really get grumpy, I tell you. Junnie has some unforgettable experiences with Ma's foul mood in Switzerland during one sightseeing trip when she ran out of hairspray.
I hope this doesn't cost me my jewelry inheritance (harharhar) I'm on a "post-my-Mama's-pics" mood today... hence this.
Monday, January 29, 2007
A Woman's Best Friend
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Men grow cold as girls grow old,
And we all lose our charms in the end.
But square-cut or pear-shape,
These rocks don't lose their shape
Diamonds are a girl's best friend.
Last time Ma was in town, she and good friend D met up at my office to ogle at the jewelries that my friend D sells and to discuss Ma's own jewels for repair. In the Philippines, it's common to find jewelry suppliers who would sell their precious pieces on soft terms like interest free for 5 months. How could you resist???
No matter how busy I am, when these two ladies meet up, I couldn't help but take 5 from my busy routine and join in on the fun (take note: i just ogled, i didn't buy). Hehehe. Looking at the glowing faces from these two, the glitter in their eyes would put any diamond to shame.

Another pic of Ma with my cousin E, looking at the gems like it was serious business!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Guest from Oz
The day we all met up, the boys spent hours and hours playing together. Jaymes was even allowed to spend the night at our place. In the afternoon, they were at EGG Ayala where they played Dota, NBA and Counterstrike. By 6pm, with cups of sugary (ick) fresh apple juice/shake from Thirsty, we all got ready for an early dinner which we had prepared at home.
As soon as Jake saw us at the door, he was a jumping bundle running here and there as if showing off to his newly-met cousin. At first, he called Jaymes the generic name "bata" which then evolved to Jay, until it became - JANE! It was funny hearing him call Jaymes Jane. Anyway, before they parted ways the following morning, I think Jake got the name right, eventually.
Before reaching home, we all drove to a shop to rent some videos. Kyle and Jaymes were clamoring for some suspense and horror movies. After trying our luck, we were unable to find anything that they liked. So much for horror movies.
Jaymes looked different in a good way from the last time I saw him. His hair was worn long since it was school break. He has matured a bit and was all polite even towards his cousins. At one point he said, all the food we prepared for him was good, though these were just shrimps and pork chops. And this coming from the son of very good cordon bleu mom and dad and who's into healthy eating. He was so game to try what my boys were feasting on: shrimps dipped in spicy "Pinakurat" vinegar (Matt's staple), non-fat cookies-and-cream ice cream sprinkled with crushed clover chips... etc. What a sight!
And yes, right before Jerry and I headed off to sleep, he told us "I really thank you for having me". Aw, such a nice and well brought-up boy. No air of of pretense whatsoever, not even if he is the unico hijo of SIL. I'm sure he'll grow up to be a fine, upright man.
Yes, Jaymes, it was our pleasure having you!

Matt, Jaymes, Kyle, moi and SIL
---Click here for the slideshow---

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Pink Eye

As a sign of "protest", their bodies (or eyes, to be more specific) developed some kind of reaction to the sudden change of schedule (from laid back to hectic), that a few days into the school week, both had the pink eye/sore eyes or what is clinically known as conjunctivitis!
The pediatrician prescribed two types of eye drops to be administered 3 times a day. It was effective. The infection didn't worsen and contaminate any other member of the household. Thank goodness! They didn't even have to stay home to rest... much to the boy's dismay I guess...
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Malayan Plaza

If you are in the vicinity of Ortigas looking for a decent hotel to stay in that is not as expensive as the posh Shangri-la, there's Malayan Plaza that you may want to try. It is along ADB Avenue, right across Podium and a walking distance to Megamall and St. Francis Square as well as to upscale coffeeshops.
Last December, while in Manila for a week, we stayed in Malayan for a few nights. The room is comfortable enough for a family of 4. However, during our brief stay, it was sorta tricky trying to fit in 2 adults and 3 kids (3-13 years old) on 2 double beds put together.
Their reasonable rate includes buffet breakfast for two. So while there, Matt and Kyle had the buffet breakfast while Jerry and I bought from outside. We felt we'd get more value for the buffet if we let those two "matakaw" boys avail of it. It absolutely delighted them.
Grabbed from their site, these are some of Malayan's features/amenities:
* Fully furnished apartment complete with living, dining and kitchen facilities
* Fully equipped kitchen facilities include cooking equipment, crockery, cutleries, glassware, and oven toaster. Rice cooker and microwave oven is also available upon request.
* Hot and cold water
* Cable Network Television
* Helipad
* Outdoor Swimming Pool
* Open-air whirl pool
* Kiddie pool
* Fully equipped fitness center
* Mini Golf putting green
* Children's Playroom
* Jogging Path
* Garden Deck
Free review/advertisement ano? I hope we get some concessions the next time we stay there, like free broadband internet access... Hehehe...
Monday, January 22, 2007
Arreza40 in Manila
Highlights of our Manila trip was the tour of SM Mall of Asia which I blogged several posts ago, our Malayan Hotel stay and tour (on foot) of Ortigas malls (Podium, Megamall and F). Topping all these however was the reunion we had with Junnie's in-laws and of course, the second reception for the Arreza 40th anniversary.
Below is the collection of pictures (from Junnie's camera) of the big celebration that Pa & Ma hosted for Pa's side of the family who were based in Manila. The sheer size of the clan rendered the house too small to accommodate everybody. The host ended up having tables and chairs arranged by the caterer on the subdivision's road.
It was a great reunion with half of the attendees flying in from different places: Cebu, Surigao, Ireland, Australia, UK, Canada, Sweden, etc. I've lost track of the number of new nieces and nephews we already have since last seeing everyone in 2003. Junnie even joked about having everyone wear a name tag the next time we have another grand reunion.
I definitely think it's a good idea especially for family members who are not around the whole year round to witness the new births and the annual birthdays. It should read- name: son/daughter of xxx; xx years old!

---Click here for the slideshow---
Junnie & Mitzi's Last Day in Cebu

Making the most out of a slight mishap on the way to Mountain View
(photo courtesy of Junnie)
As in most vacations, some mishaps do occur. Junnie and Mitzi's last day (Dec. 26) in Cebu was not spared from this. Since their flight back to Manila was at 730 PM, we felt we had just enough time to take them to Mountain View for a few photo ops using a bird's eyeview of Cebu's booming metro as a fab backdrop. Armed with a few packs of chips, we were on our way by mid-afternoon, after a very filling lunch at Port.
While negotiating the curves in Mountain View, Jerry sensed something wrong and was about to park to check on the hood. Before he could do that, something burst from within. Water and soot splattered the hood and my side of the window. Turned out that one of the major hoses (i'm clueless with car parts) gave and was massively damaged!
After a few calls to shops and friends, we were able to have it fixed (on location). We kept thinking it was a blessing in disguise that Mama didn't want to join us and instead chose to do the slots at the casino. She was already not too keen on going up the mountain and experiencing a stalled car that way would have scared her to bits.
It was sorta scary but we were glad there was nothing more to it. That night, Junnie and Mitzi flew back to Manila with plenty of stories added to their memory bank. Including this one.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Marco Polo

Pa & Ma by the poolside of the new Marco Polo Hotel
Corollary to Junnie's Pulot-Gata entry, here are additional pictures (from moi and Junnie) of Pa & Ma's "honeymoon" after their 40th anniversary renewal of vows.
Like what Paparazzi commented on Junnie's blog, these pictures clearly show that he and Ma failed to... hang the "Do not disturb!" sign. Hehehe...
---Click here for slideshow---

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

These pictures are still part of the long holiday we celebrated in Cebu/Manila. I actually avoid any SM Mall like the plague during the holidays due to the multitude of shoppers. But after hearing a lot of good feedback about the newest SM Mall, I was curious to go have a look-see.
Henry Sy outdid his other malls this time with this one fronting the world-famous Manila Sunset. After seing it for myself (along with my family), all I could say was: "Impressive!"

~~~Click here to view slide show~~~

Saturday, January 13, 2007
12th Asean Summit in CebuDec 11-14 Jan 12-15

a horse-carriage bedecked in tivoli lights adorns the way to the Capitol building
Cebu is now in the news as the host to the 12th Asean Summit. Originally postponed for unclear reasons, the city is now busy hosting the participating heads of state, spouses, foreign ministers, and foreign and local press covering the events.
I have yet to experience getting caught in traffic as what most people expect during high-profile international events such as this one. Since our workplace is in the Asiatown IT Park which is right across the Waterfront Hotel summit venue, we thought we would be blocked access to and from it. Security was tightened but we were allowed passage to and from work, thankfully, without hassles.
At the homefront, the only hassle we are experiencing now is motivating the kids to prepare for their 3rd periodical exams which starts the day following the end of the summit. So the two specially declared holidays, Jan 12 (Friday) and Jan 15 (Monday) may be a much anticipated break for most, but it's going to be a hectic review period for my two boys. :D
Thursday, January 11, 2007
Food! Glorious Food!
--Orson Welles

It looks like 50% of our holiday pictures were taken around the dinner table.
Max's, Port, Golden Cowrie, Marco Polo, Mall of Asia, Chikaan, Italianni's, Krua Thai, Dulcinea, home... What's a better way to enjoy each other's company than at meal time? Never mind the calories.... Hehehe...
Pls click here for the slideshow.

Monday, January 8, 2007
Renewal of Vows

How many married couples in this day and age get past their 10th anniversary? 60, 70, 80 percent? And the statistic gets even lower. Instead, some celebrate not anniversaries but 2nd or 3rd marriages! So just imagine now how many get to celebrate their 40th!!!
My siblings and I, together with our spouses and children, are proud that Pa & Ma are still rock-solid after all these years! It wasn't a smooth ride, mind you. It was full of ups and downs. Every married couple goes through these after all. The only difference that could spell 40 years of togetherness and separation after 10 years is the third party, GOD. As Pa would always say, he, Ma and God are like a tripod - useless if one is lacking.
It was a whirlwind of preparations that was hatched during a road trip from Canada to New Jersey last June 2006. Mitzi and I got so excited discussing the hows, whats and wheres of the special event that Junnie, who was behind the wheel, missed his exit! Hilarious...
After months of long-distance planning via telecon, ym, emails, and wiki (yup, we even had one!), it finally came to fruition. December 22, 2006 was the red-letter day. It was our Pa & Ma's ruby anniversary...

And here is a sampling of their wedding album... Click here to view the slideshow.
Venue: Blessed Pedro Calungsod Shrine, Archbishop's Palace
Reception: Ma-yi Restaurant, City Sports Club
Date: December 22, 2006