Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Just Sharing With You

Day9-1234 trevi_1

A moment of "La Dolce Vita" at Trevi, Rome, Italy.

I found a nifty little application for my Mac that makes framing of pics really quick without using the more complicated Photoshop. Yes, I still find Photoshop a bit difficult to use... or I'm just being lazy to try... sometimes.... Heehee.

So for those who are Mac users and into scrapbooking or those who might be interested to try the software that did that fuzzy border on the pic, go click this link >> Easy Frame.

Just sharing with you that small application and a pic from our travels...


If you noticed the new look on my blog, this is courtesy of my host Tin who has painstakingly updated (and continues to update)  our (her hostees') sites. Thanks a lot Tin! Mwah-mwah!


  1. We threw 3 coins in Trevi Fountain...so I guess we're going back! Seeing Europe was an ammmmmaaaazinnng experience! My suggestion is, in this lifetime find the time and the money to see Europe!

  2. HI JERRY!
    "so I guess we're going back!"

    I'll take that to heart ha! ;)

  3. did you use your right hand and threw the coins over your right shoulder? glad you liked Mitzi and I's last try at putting up a European Vacation package :) wasnt it just last month? but actually the memory lingers even if it was close to three years ago now noh?

    next stop - throwing coins at Niagara Falls :)

    Yep, seems like just a month when we all took that grand tour. I'm looking forward to the next family reunion outside of the Philippines! :D

  5. Yes, something nice, something new. The 3 year-old photo looks like you've been at Trevi Fountain only recently.

    Time to travel again and see other places like that beautiful Jack Darling picnic place in Toronto; Kingston City, Quebec, Montreal and Niagara Falls, all in Ontario, Canada. And upon your return, you make your own 3-volume scrapbook titled--- Our North American Sojourn. Hehehe. :)

    It does, doesn't it? I hope we get to travel again soon, this time with the kids... ;)
