Flashback to 1999, during the 7th year of our marriage, we had a 6 year-old schoolboy and a 3 year old toddler. We didn't have the savings and our total monthly family income then, working as employees, was nowhere near the 6-digit figure, in pesos. Hehehe, that was barely enough for school, baby and household expenses.
After 7 years of harmoniously living in with my in-laws from the time we got married up to the time we brought forth 2 boys into this world, Jerry and I took our biggest leap of faith. We decided to move out of Mommy's house to live on our own. Yeah right... My skin crawls just thinking about how we managed to even pull things together to meet all our obligations.
It was at the same time when most businesses were on the throes of collapse due to the effects of the Asian crisis. Interest rates were unfavorably high and prices of commodities were uncontrollably increasing. It wasn't a good time to part away with hard-earned salary, if you ask me.
Yet, we did. After carefully calculating our finances, we thought it was time to purchase a 2-bedroom condo in an exclusive part of Guadalupe. The deal was sweet with 30% of the total property cost payable in 18 months interest free.
Now, at seven years of living on our own, Jerry and I find ourselves again in the same situation as in 1999. With a growing family, our cute abode is now getting cramped. This, plus the fact that the boys' school is transferring from Cebu City to a remote part of Mandaue is really making us consider the big move. Factoring in the travel time and the fuel cost due to the doubled distance, I wasn't too sure we could work out a convenient arrangement. And if we stay put, there is something that's bound to give - our budget, our health or our wits.
So now, with a few more months before we celebrate our 8th year in our condo, we are putting it up for sale... And while we are waiting for a serious buyer, we have started looking for a new place that's nearer to school, our place of work and my in-laws. So far, we have our eyes set on this 3-bedroom townhouse in an exclusive subdivision in the city...

Oh, we still don't have the savings... And my skin still crawls thinking of how we'd manage to pull this move and meet our obligations.