used fd's flickr toys for this captioner... ---
Setting: In one pre-school, for 3yo Jake's interview (Nursery1 class)
Cast of Characters: Jake, the Guidance Counselor, Jerry & me
GC: Hi Jacob! (She proceeds to engage Jake in a conversation.)
Jake: Ma look! (He points to a calendar with a colorful drawing.)
GC: Oh this one... (holding the calendar). Could you identify what you see in the picture?
(Jake successfully identifies the ff: rainbow, elephant, house, etc.)
GC: (Gets her box of crayons and turns to me.) Is Jake familiar with colors?
Me: No, he only knows black.
(GC proceeds to take out some colors anyway...)
GC: Jacob, could you show me the color red?
(Jake obviously makes a guess and points to the wrong color. GC insists on asking Jake some more about colors to which Jake miserably commits mistakes. Didn't I just tell her that he only knows black??? Grrr...)
GC: Oh Jake is really poor with colors...
("Poor with colors"...My smile suddenly feels like a grimace upon hearing this comment. Since when did we measure a tot's IQ with just the colors? Anyway, just to show the guidance counselor that Jake's intelligence is not limited to the concept of color....)
Me: Come on Jake, you tell the teacher the different parts of your body.
(Jake identifies his eyes, ears, nose etc correctly. I am now on a roll...)
Me: Very good. Show the teacher how you sing the alphabet.
(Jake sings proudly the alphabet song...and even sings Twinkle Twinkle as a bonus.)
If not for lack of time, I would even have drawn the logos of the different car brands and Jake would have been able to differentiate a BMW from a Toyota or a Mitsubishi. This is not unusual as kids are really more visual at a very young age.
Ask them to draw a square and they might not be able to. But give them a shape sorter and they will successfully match the shape with the correct hole. Haay.... It doesn't take a genius to know these things... Then again...
I bet Jake is more adept in using the laptop and mouse than the Guidance Counselor...
After hearing my account, one friend hastily scratched the school from her choice of schools for her son. Tsk-tsk...
One of these days, the Directress of the school will know about the "very good" Guidance Counselor.